I was finally able to fix the issue plaguing the Boiler Blowdown and Water Scoop effect, causing it to stay on with no sound. To fix the issue, simply download the cdp file linked below and install it. All blowdown and water scoops should work as normal again! Keep in mind, it may take a second or two for the blowdown/water scoop to stop once you let go of the key to operate it.
WK&S #65 backdated for Trainz 2009-2012

The WK&S #65 set is now available for Trainz 2009, 2010, 2012, Mac 1 and Mac 2! Be sure to carefully select your version when adding to cart. The 2009-2012 PreSP1 option, 2012 build 49922 or lower or the Mac1 game, and the 2012 SP1 option for those with 2012 build 57720 or higher, or the Mac 2 game.
Unfortunately there are a few drawbacks to backdating the cab interior for the older games. Please note that the bell lever does not active the bell sound, you’ll need to still press the B key, and the tricocks valves do no emit steam or sounds. Of course i’d rather they work in all the games, but some features just require the newer games. It’s a small price to pay to keep support going for the older games, which i’m intent on doing as long as I can.
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